


The governance dimension of ESG encompasses the policies, procedures, and practices that we have established to make decisions and manage our operations. It includes our board of directors, management team, and other stakeholders, as well as our internal controls and risk management processes.

Risk Management

Every adversity contains within it seeds of advantages. While we remain watchful and prepared for risks, we try to see every challenge as an opportunity to create value. We also consistently scan the business environment to prospect for opportunities and leverage them for growth.

Risk Management Approach and Governance

We have a robust Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework that enables us to mitigate risk and achieve better growth. At Arvind, we see in every challenge a new opportunity to innovate, and drive growth and value. As per recommendations of TCFD, we have integrated our Climate-related Risk management into our existing ERM framework. We are continuously scanning and monitoring the various risks faced by our business, and seeking out the opportunities that we can harness for sustained growth despite the risks.

Emerging Risks

We are proactive in identifying and managing risks, both known and emerging. We concentrate on improving our knowledge of emerging risks that could negatively impact our business. Together with the Executive Management, the cross-functional team undertakes thorough horizon scanning to identify and evaluate new threats and possibilities as well as how to respond to them.

Fostering Risk Culture

We recognize the importance of fostering a risk culture within the organization, and to achieve this, we have implemented several measures and steps. Some of them are creating business division risk team, having a risk champion, regular communication, etc.

For more details about refer to our Risk Management Report

CEO Compensation Approach

Our CEO compensation and performance approach is designed to reward the CEO for delivering the results that matter to the company and its shareholders. It is rigorously evaluated through a set of Key Result Areas (KRAs) that encompass both quantitative and qualitative measurements. These KRA’s are tied to financial returns, climate-related performance and business specific KRA. Click here to view the CEO Compensation approach.

Information System Management

Arvind's IT operates in close collaboration with the core business objectives to drive organizational success. IT plays a pivotal role in fostering synergies and creating value through the innovative application of technology.

Arvind's IT has established deep-rooted connections within each of our businesses, empowering them to harness cutting-edge technology for the enhancement of operational outcomes. IT has been the cornerstone of our Group's growth trajectory, continually injecting innovation and transformative elements into the ever-evolving landscape of business platforms and Digital Business Ecosystems.

At the forefront of the Group's digital transformation journey, Arvind's IT leads the charge in developing Business and Technology platforms across critical domains such as Customer Experience, Employee Experience, Logistics, Procurement, Energy Management, and more. Its unwavering commitment is to generate tangible business value, serving as the guiding principle for all its projects and activities.

The Board has delegated the responsibility of providing structured and systematic oversight of the Cybersecurity Governance Process to the Risk Management Committee. At the Management level, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) is responsible for overseeing Cyber Security for Arvind Limited. The current CIO is Mr. Nitin Parmar

We pledge to uphold the highest standards of data privacy and protection. Arvind's IT Security system is dedicated to ensuring the resilience of our systems against evolving cybersecurity threats. We will continuously invest in advanced security technologies and methodologies to fortify our digital defences. We believe that education and awareness are vital in the fight against cyber threats. Our commitment extends to empowering users with knowledge and resources to maintain a secure online presence.

Furthermore, the Arvind's IT function plays a pivotal role in cultivating strategic partnerships with the IT industry, professional organizations, and business entities. It actively promotes external innovation through an Accelerator program that encourages startups to collaborate with the Arvind Group, particularly in the realm of technology.

We are conscious of our environmental impact and will strive to reduce it through responsible IT management practices. Our efforts will include energy-efficient infrastructure and responsible e-waste disposal.

Supplier Code of Conduct

We are committed to our philosophy of being ‘Fundamentally Right’ and we expect our suppliers to uphold the same values. Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets forth the basic requirements that we ask our Suppliers to respect and adhere to when conducting business with Arvind. This code embodies our commitment to international recognised standards and guidelines. Click here to view the Supplier Code of Conduct